Unlock My ULTIMATE Secret Success To Landlording by Joining The 30 day Weekly Intensive Landlord Cohort For Small Landlords.

Even If You’ve evicted tenants Before you can learn new systems!

But Don’t Just Take My Word For It…

- Kurinne Sohan

"As a novice Landlord I had a rental on the market for 133 days with no results. I contacted Kim and under her coaching I was able to advertise my rental, conduct proper screening and within four days had a tenant and signed lease. Nothing beats experience. Thank you Kim!"

- Yolanda Mobley

"Oooooo...Weeee, my Landlording confidence just went from the basement to the penthouse! I'm on Landlord Docs 30 website and just picked up the Landlord Docs 30 property management bundle. Thank You!!!"

- Shannon Johnson

"My sister and I will be taking over handling my mom's vacant rental. We downloaded our Landlord Docs 30 bundle. Love them and all your tips for Landlording!"
Hi, I'm Kim Avant-Babb!
And I used to be just like you…

At one point in my career journey I was laid off from my job not once but twice. I landed on my feet both times ending up working for “the man” 5 days a week, and being rewarded with a paycheck at the end of the month that barely covered bills, food, and basic living expenses.

I wanted to do more, be more and achieve more. I wanted to control my own economy and never leave it in the hands of someone else to determine my worth.

In a world where every other guru is trying to sell you the next best magic pill and get rich quick real estate program to “instantly solve your problems overnight”... 

It's hard to know who to trust. But if there was one thing that I knew for certain, it was that there was more to life out there for me, and I was going to find it. 

I was determined to. 

And as I’m sure you’ve already guessed from the title…
That’s EXACTLY what I found.
I found the magic in creating my own stream of income from Real Estate and I didn’t have to: 

I didn't have to:

Wonder how I was going to feed my family if my employer no longer wanted my services.

I didn't have to:

Hope that I hit the jackpot playing the national lottery.

I didn't have to:

Spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on a degree and start my business off with a HUGE pile of debt.

I didn't have to:

Spend every waking minute searching the web for answers to Real Estate - and coming up empty.

Because that’s not where you’ll find the answers…
You’ll Find The Answers Here 👇
Introducing - The Landlord Training Institute's 30 day Weekly Intensive
Landlord Cohort For Small Landlord's!
This Landlord Cohort Is For Small Landlord's Who Are Fed Up With Wanting Passive Income from Rental Units and not having the skill set to manage their property.
  • ​For Those Of You Who Want Mailbox Money From Rentals & To Live Their Lives Free Of Someone Else Controlling Their Economy.
  • ​For Those Who Are Ready To Take MASSIVE ACTION & Propel Themselves Towards The Future That They Desire
  • ​For Those Who Want To Discover How To Manage Rental Property’s  FAST & Make Positive Cash Flow Every Month Without Fear of Late Payments and Evictions!
Is That YOU?
If so, I’d like to introduce you to the ONLY intimate Landlording training that can change EVERYTHING for you. I’ve created this simple, step-by-step course to help you...
Here’s What’s Included:

 Weekly Masterminds

 Video Training

 Case studies

 Landlord financial dashboard

 Landlord document bundle

 graduation certificate

Here’s What Your Future Could Look Like

- chenelle

Every winner was a beginner! 3 years into Landlording Chenelle was no different but now she has tools.

- Jibri

For a new Landlord you don't know what you don't know. Jibri is getting off to the right start with great tenants.

- Joanne

As a licensed Realtor, Joanne knows the importance of having the right systems and documents in place. Now she does! 
Here Are The Hard Truths That You Need To Hear
Going It Alone Is Never A Good Trip
Unless you manifest a miracle, you’ll always struggle with selecting the wrong tenant for your rental. It’s not something you can just wing it…

It’s not something that you can do with your eyes closed unless you have millions of dollars in the bank, and years of your life to waste...

And it’s not something that comes easily to most. That’s why you need a simple, step-by-step guide to show you EXACTLY how to achieve everything you want - without trial and error and expensive mistakes.
Great Tenants Don't Just Appear At Your Door Step
Unless you get granted 3 wishes, you’ll always struggle with choosing the right tenant. It’s not something you can type into Google…

It’s not something that you can learn from scratch unless you have millions of dollars in the bank to cover your losses, and years of your life to waste...

And it’s not something that comes easily to most. That’s why you need a simple, step-by-step guide to show you EXACTLY how to achieve everything you want - without trial and error and expensive mistakes.
You Only Have Two Options

Option 1: Forget This Exists

You can act as if this first Landlord cohort doesn’t exist, and go back to suffering in silence, living a life you’re truly unsatisfied with. 

You won’t get this tried and true Landlord knowledge.

And you definitely won’t get the intimate Landlord community interaction and support. 

You’ll simply carry on down the same path, leaving your future rents in the hands of fate. 

But I know that’s not what you want. 

And I know that’s not why you’re still here, on this page, looking for a way to change your entire life. 

That’s why there’s a SECOND, much more appealing option!

Option 2: Commit, Take Action & Change
Your Life For The Better

Your second option gives you the BEST possible chance at success and enables you to skip all of the long-winded, confusing, time-consuming risks you can’t afford to take.

Your second option is, yep - you guessed it, to take me up on my offer of joining the FIRST 4 WEEK LANDLORD COHORT today. 

This course is running on a first-come-first-served basis. 

That means, if you WANT to learn how to increase your rental collection without fear, you need to act fast, and you need to act now. 

Most people will NEVER come across a chance like this… And here you are, considering giving it all up due to fear of the unknown, and what “someone once said”.

This course isn’t based on predictions, what I think might work, or what someone said in a forum online… This is based on my REAL 38 years' experience and very REAL results of a 0% eviction rate.

I’ve deep-dived into every single step that I’ve taken to get to where I am today, and I’m basically handing you my ENTIRE life’s work for a small one-time payment. 

You don’t have to spend years of your life going it alone. You don’t have to spend your hard-earned money on trial and error which might, or might not work. 

I’m providing you with EVERYTHING you could possibly need to go from winging it as a Landlord to moving with confidence in as little as 4 Weeks!
So, What’s The Cost, 
For Something So Powerful?
So, What’s The Cost, For Something So Powerful?
The truth is, this course has been valued at over $2000

And I’ve been told COUNTLESS times that I should charge a RECURRING MONTHLY price of at least $197…

My students think I’m CRAZY for making the entry-level so low...

But I’m not in it for the money. 

I created this course to help Landlord's who are going through the exact same process I went through, over 38 years ago. 

My ONLY desire is for this course to be accessible, easy-to-follow, and completely LIFE-CHANGING for anyone who gets their hands on it. 

You Can Be A Part of this 30 day Weekly Landlord Cohort For 
Just $1,495
Just take a moment to imagine how joining this cohort would impact your Landlording success

You’d have more time and confidence to select tenants based on data and not emotion.

You’d be able to depend on consistent rental income and live the lavish laptop lifestyle you’ve ALWAYS dreamed of.

You’d be able to travel the world and spend quality time with your family, friends and loved ones.
So, that leaves me with just one last question to ask you...
Are You Ready To Unlock My ULTIMATE Secret Success Formula By Joining This 30 day Weekly Landlord Cohort To Learn How To Screen Rental Applicants Without Fear of Late Payments and Avoiding Evictions?
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